Saturday, December 25, 2010


Sooo.. today is christmas and i am super physced. i got everything i asked for except a red rider bee- bee gun. but thats okay.. santa will probably just  put it behind the piano. by theway.. i am typing this on my new kindle! see ya later gators.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


okay, i apologize that i have not been up to blogging par per say.. and i am also sorry i didn't ateend swim team.. therefore i am sorry that there is no Swim Team Chronicles. also, i am sorry there are exams this week and i probably won't be able to even glance at my computer.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sorry, but there is no Swim Team Chronicles for Friday because I did not attend swim team.

Cupcakes, and Mexican. YUMMMMM.

here's a SWEET picture.
 Today was pretty sweet. Went "Christmas Shopping" with my mom. (I actually bought nothing for anyone.. but bought a  sweet dress for me) My mom took these sweet pictures. We went to sweet church. We had sweet, sweet Mexican food. I logged on to my sweet blog. Today was pretty sweet.

here's another SWEEEET picture (literally)

p.s.- i am a BEAST at cupcake baking.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Livin' it up.

This is just a picture of a random dog who will not leave our house. No mattter how many rock, and sticks, and shouts we throw at it.. it just LOVESSS us. Great.

Once again, another random picture that should not even be blogged.

Today was probably the best day in my life.

Last night, I had a HUUUUGEEEEE headache.
It was amazing.

Then I had to wake up at 5:50
It was the best moment of my life.

Then I had to take 6 tests.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010


check out her awesome, supafly, gangsta, redonkulous, fantasianous blog.. okay, now.

Declaration of Blog. And a little more.

(puts right hand on Bible)
I hereby state that I will do a Swim Team Chronicles every practice.. which is Tuesday and Friday.

It has been called "a favorite" of Claire.. who is listed in the chronicles.

I intend to fulfill by blog-i-tal duties, and continue the Swim Team Chronicles every day that my swimteam practice is conducted.
(takes right hand off Bible)

Alrighty, here is a little story.

Once upon a time, there was a princess name Clarice. She lived in a fairytale land and sang songs about her bestfriend Bailita. Clarice was sad because Bailita moved away to a new castle, and she made new princess friends. But what Clarice didn't know was that Bailita was also sad, and she sang more, and louder than Clairice did! She missed her best princess friend Clarice, and wanted to see her again. So Bailita thought of a plan. She thought "OH! I know what I will do! I will join a Cricket team so she could speak to Clarice every 3rd (Tuesday) and 6th (Friday) day of the week. So Bailita joined the Cricket squad and saw Clarice twice a week!

The End.